How to lose 8 kilos at home ?

I Like to eat, and I’ve lost control of my body the past 5 years traveling so much and going to the restaurant almost everyday. I had stopped running, and I was fat. 90 kilos for 1m73. I was 68 5 years before when I was running 4 to 5 times a week. But I had lost the love for running seing so many people running everywhere. With that quarantine coming, I decided I was going to lose weight cause I always like to be different. That gives me the power to not do like the others do. I started to put the Tabata YouTube videos : 7 minutes of high intensity intervals training. At the same time, with these restaurants closed, I was eating healthier, without desserts. And I lost about 4 kilos in 4 weeks. Then, this summer, I kept on doing tabatas and home biking almost everyday. 15 to 45 minutes depending on my shape. So right now I’m 82 kilos (minus 8 kilos then !) and I’d like to lose again 8 kilos of body fat. Actually, now to go higher, I’ve decided I’m gonna fully listen to my body. Why should I eat 3 times a day ? When I listen it, it tells me not to eat in the morning. So I’ve stopped to eat breakfasts. I still have to control my stupid will to eat anything when I go to a restaurant or to visit friends though. 

The traditional gym exercices (reps with 1mn of rest) were too calm and long for me, so these tabatas (20 seconds of effort/10 seconds of rest) are amazing cause in a shorter time I work more my cardio. I usually put a tabata playlist on Spotify and start to do burpees, air squats, lunges etc. until I’m really tired. 3 to 4 songs and I’m done. The most difficult part was to start that routine but after the 3 firsts workout sessions, I felt so fine that I wanted to do it everyday. A friend told me one day that workout is like washing your teeth, it’s something you have to do everyday. I want to live the older I can in good health. And let’s see where it leads me cause I have ambitions I will reveal once I reach my goals in this field. 

And please be honest, do you think we would have the energy to do tabatas after one hour in the subway and a long day in the open space ? This is another privilege digital nomads have. So enjoy it !




Lunch Thoughts from Cordoba